On Sunday, 17th February, twelve members of the Renfrewshire Squad attended the first training session of the year at Mearns Castle Golf Academy and were blessed with glorious weather - for February! The training was opened with a stroke play competition, suitably called "the first waltz", over nine holes. This was played in 3's with one best net score counting at the first hole; 2 counting at the second hole; and, 3 counting at the third hole. This was repeated for the next six holes. The winning team was Gillian Kyle, Beth Paterson and Alyson McKechin who took great delight in tucking into their winning buns! A social chit chat concluded an enjoyable day.
Two short game sessions with Karyn Burns will be held in March with further coaching in April.
Recently the squad took part in a Par Yoga evening conducted by Janice Stewart. Everyone found this to be beneficial and enjoyable and have signed up for another night in March.
Remember we are holding our Coffee Morning on Thursday, 6th March, and Janice is coming along to give us a talk and demonstration on yoga for golf. It's a great way to start off the season and there is no doubt about it you will feel much more supple after doing her exercises! Don't miss this chance to boost our Centenary Funds. Why not come along and bring a friend or even a car load? Just let Secretary Morag know so that we can make arrangements for seating and coffee. If you know of anyone who wishes to come along and is not a member of the County we will be pleased to see them. For further information just press "Advert"
I hope you have been managing to take advantage of this great spell of weather and honing your game for the start of the season --- Cheers Christeen