Hi everyone just to let you know your webmaster is going on holiday for a week to Portugal. However, I want to remind you all that on Thursday, 6th March,there is a coffee morning at Whitecraigs Golf Club to raise funds for the RLCGA Centenary Year.
Coffee and shortbread will be served at 10a.m. and this will be followed by a talk/demonstration at 11a.m. by Janice Stewart. Come along with a friend or a car load (not necesssarily from the County) and just let Morag Turner know before Wednesday afternoon so that we can have an idea of numbers.
Click here to read all about it --- Hopefully there will be a report published on the website by the Committee after the event
In the meantime CLICK HERE for a little light entertainment to keep you all going !
For all other news you may find some on the West of Scotland Website --- If I find a PC