SLGA Chairman
Shona Malcolm welcomed a full house to the Scottish Ladies' Golfing Association Limited AGM at the Dewars Centre in Perth this morning.
Renfrewshire were represented by
Captain Trish Brown, Secretary
Jean Irvine and Junior Secretary
Maureen Mitchell. -- Plus also attending the meeting - Past President
Wendy Cameron, Past Captains
Christeen Finlayson,
Aileen Wilson,
Jennifer Mack, Sheila Goudie and your webmaster
Carol Fell
Before proceedings began, President,
Emma Wilson, paid tribute to past Chairman, Anne Fraser, a member of Turnberry and Ayrshire, who died in 2010.
The Chairman's report had already been circulated and Shona picked out particular highlights, including the Scottish Ladies' team victory in the Home Internationals and third place in the European Team Championships, the Seniors' team fantastic victory in the European Senior Team Championships and our Junior team's runner-up spot in the Junior Home Internationals. On the individual front,
Pamela Pretswell had won the British Stroke Play Championship and
Kelsey Macdonald had been runner-up in the British Amateur and had won the Scottish Championship. Pamela and Sally Watson had represented GB&I in the Curtis Cup at Essex County Club, near Boston, Mass.
Shona also touched on the
Performance and Development aspects of the SLGA remit, as well as giving thanks to those who had helped SLGA last year.
Finance Director,
Lynne Terry, reported that SLGA Ltd had shown a healthy surplus of £61,000 last year, largely due to prudent cost control and some events costing less than expected. The fall in the number of lady golfers was once again evident at 4.1%, but an increase in subscriptions by £1 had absorbed that potential shortfall.
The report of the Scottish Representative on the Executive Council of the Ladies Golf Union, Janet Wake, had also been previously circulated, and Janet highlighted some of the coming events in the 2011 season, in partcular the Ricoh Womens British Open at Carnoustie, 28-31st July, the Astor Trophy (previously Commonwealth Trophy) at Fairhaven 15-19th June and the Vagliano Trophy Match against the Continent of Europe at Royal Porthcawl, 24-25 June.
Election of office-bearers went through smoothly with June McEwan (East) and Liz Scott (South) coming onto the Board. Lorna Bennett takes over from Janet Wake as Scottish Representative on the Executive Council of the Ladies Golf Union. Cara Gruber is the new North selector.
Amendments to Regulation 3.5 governing
County Golf had already been discussed by the County Captains and were approved at the meeting.
A "tidying up" exercise had been performed on Regulation 7 (National Championships and other Tournaments run by the SLGA) and amendments were approved at the meeting.
The proposal that annual subscriptions and fees for 2012 remain the same was also approved, with the caveat that if the amalgamation goes through then subscriptions would be different.
Shona Malcolm and Chief Operating Officer,
Sheila Hartley, presented a cut down version of the road-show that
had already been shown to clubs and counties round the
Country in the last few months. There were many questions from the floor. Anxiety that the proposals were proceeding at "breakneck speed" with little time to take it in, were voiced.
These proposals are still at the consultation stage, and feedback from the roadshows and the two AGMS (The SGU AGM is next weekend) as well as individual feedback from clubs, counties and members will be examined at a meeting of the Amalgamation Committee at the end of January.
Sheila Hartley asked that any comments should be made to her before 25th January ----- for consideration by this committee. Once the proposal has been refined in the light of feedback, a new round of roadshows will be presented to both men and women together in the spring, with a view to holding Special General Meetings of both organisations in the latter half of May, where 75% would have to vote in favour for the proposals for it to go through. If that happens the Board of the new Scottish Golf Limited would be recruited in the summer with a view to the Amalgamation happening on 1st October.
There were questions of costs, representation, who would pay etc. It was emphasised that the proposal was a "very broad brush" at present, the minutiae of how it will all happen has not yet be finalised. Yes, there would be costs, but they would be kept to a minimum, and absorbed by both organisations. Subscriptions, currently £9 for men and £14 for women would probably settle at £11 for both genders.
SLGA County and SGU Area boundaries would remain the same. There is no proposal for Counties and Areas to amalgamate. Clubs would be the stakeholders in the new organisation, with each club's liability limited to £1.
As was already asked for
feedback by Captain Trish away back in November -- Please do give her your views
The move to bring the Scottish Golf Union (SGU)
and Scottish Ladies' Golfing Association (SLGA
) together as a single governing body has gathered momentum with a formal proposal being delivered to each organisation’s members.
proposal with details of the roles of
Board members and
committees and a covering
letter from the Amalgamation Group Chair, Donald Turner may be accessed by clicking on the links.
SGU and
SLGA have delivered a formal proposal to member clubs, Areas and Counties this week outlining plans for amalgamation as a single governing body from 1 October 2011.
Click Here to read more